Thursday, February 9, 2012

What to do after a Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident can be frightening.  If you have been hurt due to someone else's negligence, you can seek payment of your medical bills by the party responsible.  The steps necessary to negotiate with an insurance company can be a stressful and difficult for someone who is not a trained attorney.  An experienced attorney can help you with the process and possibly recover money for your medical bills, pain and suffering. There are several steps you need to take following a car wreck. 

1.  Please seek medical help if you are in any way hurt.  There is no need to be “tough” and decline help at the accident site, if you think you have sustained an injury.   Do not turn down an ambulance ride to the nearest hospital, if you think you may need medical attention.

2.  Make certain the police are notified and you receive an accident report.

3.  If there are witnesses at the scene of the accident, either bystanders or good Samaritans who helped at the scene, by all means get their names and phone numbers and give them your contact information.

4.  It is a good idea to keep a disposal camera in your glove compartment for pictures at the wreck scene (in case an accident occurs).  Take as many as you can from all angles.  If applicable, take pictures of skid marks, debris on the road, and position of cars before they are moved by the wrecker etc. Take pictures of items that may have played a role in the accident i.e. directional signs, road work saw horses, ice, water on the road etc. Do take pictures of the sky and weather conditions (cloudy, sunny, icy etc).

5. As soon as you can, write down the series of events leading up to and following the wreck.  Be detailed in your account - make note of time of day, weather, was road wet, was construction  on the road an issue, how fast were you travelling etc.   If you and the other passengers (if there were any) can put all of your thoughts on paper in a chronological time sequence, this is most helpful to an attorney helping you with your case.  

6.  Keep detailed records of conversations with anyone associated with the wreck.  Be sure to keep a log of who you spoke to (first and last name and title), what day and time you spoke to them.   If you received correspondence from insurance companies or bills from medical providers, doctors, or pharmacies, make certain to keep all of these documents in one central location.

7.  If you have to miss work or appointments because of your injury, keep detailed records of this. 

All of this information can be extremely helpful to an attorney representing you.  No one wants to be involved in an automobile accident, but if you are, following the steps above can help you and your lawyer in resolving your issue.