Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Have Fun and Be Safe on Halloween!

Halloween is a wonderful holiday for children and adults. Don't forget to be extra careful when driving during the weekend before Halloween and on Halloween night.  There are usually lots of parties in neighborhoods for children and adults and gatherings on college campuses this time of year.  Costumes often consist of dark colored clothing that make it difficult for drivers to see trick or treaters or party goers!  Don't become part of an accident.  Drive safely and slowly in areas where trick or treaters may be travelling.  If you are travelling with children, make sure they are wearing reflective clothing, reflectors on their shoes and trick or treat bags.  Trick or Treaters need to be easliy seen by car drivers.  Unfortunately, Halloween parties can mean drinking and driving and that is not a good combination!   Be extra careful as you travel on the road during the Halloween weekend for children, teens, and extra mindful of adults who are behind the wheel who may have had too much to drink.  Clark & Smith Law Firm says be safe on Halloween and have fun.